Rabu, 29 Januari 2014



1)      Purpose   :
To make subtitution or upgrade power supply in the personal computer correctly.

2)      Scope      :
This procedure is applied for the technician of personal computer.

3)      Key words    :
Upgrade, Power Supply  

4)      Instructions  : 
v  The technician has followed the procedure
v  Wear overall ( wear pack ) and pray before do activity
v  Prepare the tools and material
v  Make sure the CPU not connected with current electric
v  Loosen the screw on the cassing by scroll driver
v  Open the cassing CPU
v  Loosen the screw on the power supply
v  Unplug power cable from the motherboard
v  Take the power supply
v  Subtitution or upgrade powersupply and plugpower cable in the motherboard
v  Fasten the screwon the power supply
v  Close the cassing CPU
v  Next, fasten the screw on the cassing CPU
v  And than, Try out the CPU
v  Finally, CPU can to do it.

5)      Monitoring   :
The technician  has followed the procedure

6)      Corrective Action  :
If the power supply can not do it, check power cable in the motherbaord. Make sure the power cable plug correctly.

7)      Verification and Record Keeping  :
The technician should record day, date, tools,and name user. The record must be kept 1 year.

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